TAG Top 10 Innovation Award
Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 3:46PM
ShapeStart was recently selected as one of TAG’s (Technology Association of Georgia) top 10 innovative technology companies in Georgia. As a recipient of this award I was given the opportunity to present at the Georgia Technology Summit, a gathering of executives, entrepreneurs, and academia with over 1,000 attendees this year.
All of the Top 10 companies were given 3 minutes and 3 slides to tell their story. That meant I had to boil all of ShapeStart down into a three minute pitch. I ended up with the following three slides:
Slide 1
- ShapeStart is developing a direct in-the-ear 3D scanner called LaserFit Hearing
- This will replace the silicone impressions necessary to produce hearing aids,
hearing protection and custom fitting head phones.
- The hearing aid industry takes about 10MM silicone impressions every year
- The DoD spends over a billion dollars a year on hearing loss disability payments,
which is why they are funding us to develop a custom hearing protection
Slide 2
- We have a solution for all this silicone. LaserFit Hearing, a direct in-the-ear 3D
- The process is similar to an otoscope examination, the probe is inserted into
the ear. LaserFit captures the shape and size of the ear canal and concha bowl.
- The data can then be immediately transferred to manufacturers
- This process is faster, taking just a few seconds
- Results in a better performing in-ear device
- Is more comfortable for the patient and clinician
- All while reducing the cost!
Slide 3
- Our small diameter 3D scanning technology will revolutionize the way in-ear
devices are made
- We then plan to take this technology to other industries such as endoscopy,
dental, and even industrial inspection applications
The Georgia Technology Summit turned out great for us and we very much appreciate the opportunity to present at the event. We made a lot of great connections and will continue supporting TAG as we move forward.
Here is a picture of me with accepting the TAG top 10 award with Tino Mantella, TAG’s president & CEO.
All of the Top 10 companies were given 3 minutes and 3 slides to tell their story. That meant I had to boil all of ShapeStart down into a three minute pitch. I ended up with the following three slides:
Slide 1
- ShapeStart is developing a direct in-the-ear 3D scanner called LaserFit Hearing
- This will replace the silicone impressions necessary to produce hearing aids,
hearing protection and custom fitting head phones.
- The hearing aid industry takes about 10MM silicone impressions every year
- The DoD spends over a billion dollars a year on hearing loss disability payments,
which is why they are funding us to develop a custom hearing protection
Slide 2
- We have a solution for all this silicone. LaserFit Hearing, a direct in-the-ear 3D
- The process is similar to an otoscope examination, the probe is inserted into
the ear. LaserFit captures the shape and size of the ear canal and concha bowl.
- The data can then be immediately transferred to manufacturers
- This process is faster, taking just a few seconds
- Results in a better performing in-ear device
- Is more comfortable for the patient and clinician
- All while reducing the cost!
Slide 3
- Our small diameter 3D scanning technology will revolutionize the way in-ear
devices are made
- We then plan to take this technology to other industries such as endoscopy,
dental, and even industrial inspection applications
The Georgia Technology Summit turned out great for us and we very much appreciate the opportunity to present at the event. We made a lot of great connections and will continue supporting TAG as we move forward.
Here is a picture of me with accepting the TAG top 10 award with Tino Mantella, TAG’s president & CEO.
tagged Entrepreneur
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